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The Concrete Jungle Magazine

The Concrete Jungle Magazine

€ 30,00 Regular Price
€ 20,00Sale Price

The Concrete Jungle is a body of work that aims to accurately represent and document life in Malaysia. This book consists of 123 images of events, people, and places that have assisted Jason Mo in rediscovering his roots as a child of an immigrant.


Many children of immigrants struggle with their personal identity. This magazine intends to inspire the reader to embark on a journey of self-exploration in search of answers deeply rooted in their respective culture.

With poetry and photography as a medium, The Concrete Jungle intends to educate and reconstruct the reader’s perception of romanticized Asian travel destinations. The uncovered reality behind the exotic foods, pristine green jungles, and secluded islands, will become clearer after The Concrete Jungle.

The Author

Jason Mo (22) is the founder of The New Capsule and an all-round creative. Ever since he picked up an analog Camera in December 2021 photography has been an active part of his life. As a child of an immigrant, he never felt quite at home in The Netherlands. Lost in a multicultural society, he struggled with the identification of his personal identity. Over time his craving for answers continued growing until it inevitably led to the creation of this magazine.

“The Magazine is not only a way to express my creativity, but also my story, emotions, and thoughts. It’s a piece of me that I’m sharing with the world.”


Photography, poetry, and design work by Jason Mo

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