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The New Capsule aims to become more than just a brand. By taking lead and presenting ourselves as an exemplary brand, we intend on re-inventing the creative industry. As such, we aim to give rise to a more sustainable future in streetwear culture by becoming the first fully sustainable brand. The New Capsule has always valued quality and fair labor practices over the procurement price of our products. To live by our sustainable identity, The New Capsule has also transitioned to using fully recycled packaging. In the future, we strive to utilize and implement recycled materials into our manufacturing process as much as possible. 

An innovative brand is a brand that benefits society and we believe that adding an innovative product to a brand's offerings is measured by a different set of metrics than the amount of revenue the product yields. We offer the product, simply for humanitarian reasons; it's for the culture.

The New Capsule With Love t-shirt
The New Capsule brown With Love t-shirt

As a socially conscious brand, The New Capsule intends to leverage its position and resources to bring social change, while sharing our success with local communities.

The social mission of The New Capsule is to actively seek to help the community through short-term and long-term goals that:

  • Address an immediate issue within your community

  • Provide solutions with the resources you already have

  • Educate or create awareness of an issue in your area

It is of importance that philanthropic actions by The New Capsule have a direct impact on the community of which our brand is part. Despite being a startup with limited resources, The New Capsule will actively engage in ways to support and uplift the culture and the local communities.

With the increasing rate of unsustainable practices by capitalist economies, environmental issues are becoming an alarming reality. It's part of The New Capsule's responsibility to discourage unsustainable practices within the community and fashion industry.

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